Employee Name:
Theron Joseph (T.J.) Lani
Profile Number:
Primary Job Title:
Locomotive Engineer
Other Job Title:
Locomotive Fireman
Nevada Northern Railway
Work Notes:
T.J. Lani served the Nevada Northern Railway for many years in engine service. First working as an emergency fireman, he transitioned to the position of regular fireman in 1942. When museum steam operations were started in 1986, Mr. Lani was one of the first volunteers, bringing the knowledge and skills needed to start the program.
April 7, 1921
September 25, 2010
Lund, Nevada
Burial Place:
Ely, Nevada
Personal Biography:
Served in the Navy during World War 2. Mr. Lani requested a one-year leave-of-absence in 1955 to try going into business for himself.
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